Monday, November 14, 2011

It's Monday, What are you Reading?

This is my first time participating in Sheila @ Book Journey's Monday meme: What are you reading?  And mapped out my week as a reader.

Plans this week is to read Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen in honor NaNoWriMo.  I bought this book years ago and didn't read it because something scared me off from it.  This is one of the first non-library books I've allowed myself to read in...years really.

Also, I'm going to finish the children's non-fiction book: "The Great and Only Barnum" by Candace Fleming and Ray Fenwick.

Obviously I have Circuses on the brain.

I'm listening to "Alice I have Been" by Melanie Benjamin, whom I've actually chatted with through #litchat and found to be lovely.  Nothing is wrong with the book but I have been having trouble turning on the CD player to listen to it, which is never a good sign.

What are you reading this week?


  1. I bought Water for Elephants a couple of years ago, and still haven't touched it. The P.T. Barnum book looks really awesome!

  2. Alice I have been is on my wishlist. Hoping to read it from the library soon :)It looks good!

  3. I'm scared of Water for Elephants. Circuses freak me out. I'll be curious to see what you think! Have a fun week reading!

    - Jana @

  4. I loved Water for Elephants! There were some parts that bothered me, and I sobbed in a few places, but I loved the book. I hope you enjoy it!

  5. @BibliosaurusText I hear good things about it and I love Candace Fleming's picture books. It will be interesting to see her non-fiction.

    @BrunetteLibrarian Alice taking me a while to get into, I don't know if all my YA and children's book reading has left me out of shape for Adult literary fiction or what.

    @Jana and @BibliosaurusText Isn't interesting how a bestseller can scare you off for reasons you can't really articulate? I bought a bestseller with "Elephants" at the same time that I despised, so I think that was part of my issue. I'm homing @Quixotic Magpie is right and I'm pleasantly surprised!

  6. It took me a few years to read Water for Elephants as well, lol. Fabulous read.

    I'll let you know when I post my Name of the Star review.

    Take care :)
