Goodbye April, Hello May!
Opening Song: If you’re Happy and You know it! (Clap, Stomp, Shout Hurray)
Opening Song: If you’re Happy and You know it! (Clap, Stomp, Shout Hurray)
If you’re Ready for a Story, Clap your hands!
If you’re Ready for a Story, Clap your hands!
If you’re Ready for a Story, If you’re Ready for a Story,
If you’re Ready for a Story, Clap your hands!
Sit Down Song:
The more we read together, together, together
The More we read together, the happier we’ll be,
‘Cause my books are your books and your books are my books,
The More we read together, the happier we’ll be.
Book One: Rain by Manya Stojic

Zim-bam, Zim-bam
Sung to: "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"
Zim-bam, zim-bam, zim-bam-bee,
Rain is falling on the tree.
zim-bam, zim-bam, zim-bam-by,
Rain is falling from the sky.
Zim-bam, zim-bam, zim-bam-boo,
Rain is falling on us too
Book Two: Are You Ready to Play Outside by Mo Willems

Ava's Poppy by Marcus Pfister

Book One: Rain by Manya Stojic

Look Out the Window Sung to: "Frere Jacques"
What's the weather, what's the weather,
On this (Monday), On this (Monday)?
Let's look out the window,
Let's look out the window?
It is (Sunny), It is (Sunny).
Replace ( ) for the appropriate word.
On this (Monday), On this (Monday)?
Let's look out the window,
Let's look out the window?
It is (Sunny), It is (Sunny).
Replace ( ) for the appropriate word.
Zim-bam, Zim-bam
Sung to: "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"
Zim-bam, zim-bam, zim-bam-bee,
Rain is falling on the tree.
zim-bam, zim-bam, zim-bam-by,
Rain is falling from the sky.
Zim-bam, zim-bam, zim-bam-boo,
Rain is falling on us too
Book Two: Are You Ready to Play Outside by Mo Willems

(Use fingers or make umbrella puppets)
Five umbrellas stood by the back door,
The red one went outside, then there were four.
Four umbrellas pretty as can be,
The blue one went outside, then there were three.
Three umbrellas with nothing to do,
The green one went outside, then there was one.
Just one umbrella alone in the hall,
The purple one went outside, and that was all!
(Use fingers or make umbrella puppets)
Five umbrellas stood by the back door,
The red one went outside, then there were four.
Four umbrellas pretty as can be,
The blue one went outside, then there were three.
Three umbrellas with nothing to do,
The green one went outside, then there was one.
Just one umbrella alone in the hall,
The purple one went outside, and that was all!
Rain is
Falling on You
Sung to: "Happy Birthday"
Rain is falling on you,
Rain is falling on me,
Rain is falling on everyone,
Rain is falling, YIPPEE!!!
Sung to: "Happy Birthday"
Rain is falling on you,
Rain is falling on me,
Rain is falling on everyone,
Rain is falling, YIPPEE!!!
Ava's Poppy by Marcus Pfister

Sung to: "The Farmer In The Dell"
The farmer plants the seeds
The Farmer plants the seeds
Hi, Ho and Cheery O
The farmer plants the seeds.
The farmer plants the seeds
The Farmer plants the seeds
Hi, Ho and Cheery O
The farmer plants the seeds.
(Use the following verses.)
The sun begins to shine
The rain begins to fall
The plants begin to grow
The flowers smile at us
The sun begins to shine
The rain begins to fall
The plants begin to grow
The flowers smile at us
Spring Time!
Sung to: "Good Night Ladies"
Hello spring time
Hello spring time
Hello spring time
We're glad spring time is here.
Hello flowers
Hello flowers
Hello flowers
We're glad spring time is here!
Hello green grass... We're glad spring time is here.
Hello birds... We're glad spring time is here.
(To finish song, repeat first verse after you have said hello to all the spring things the children can think of.)
Sung to: "Good Night Ladies"
Hello spring time
Hello spring time
Hello spring time
We're glad spring time is here.
Hello flowers
Hello flowers
Hello flowers
We're glad spring time is here!
Hello green grass... We're glad spring time is here.
Hello birds... We're glad spring time is here.
(To finish song, repeat first verse after you have said hello to all the spring things the children can think of.)
Song: Rainy Pokey
Put your Umbrella in,
But your umbrella out,
Put your Umbrella in and Shake it all about,
You do the Rainy Pokey and you turn yourself around,
That's what it's all about!
(Other verses: rain boots, rain coat, rain hat, whole self!)
Goodbye song: The More we get together
Craft today inspired by Starting a Preschool:

We'll be making fingerprint raindrop and flower pictures.
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